We’re Still in the Middle of a Really Huge Change

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It’s important to start the change management process as soon as possible as we’ve been working remotely for nearly 2 years. When starting ‘return planning’ and the unique challenges that involves, we’ve organized key points to consider into 3 main categories – before employees start to return to the office, as the return to the office begins, and Day 2 – after they have returned to the office. And we’ve addressed the challenges of ongoing changes to the definition of ‘return to the office.’

Hybrid Workplace, Return to the Office – Let’s All Be Sure We Know What We Mean

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When organizations began to respond to the pandemic, almost everyone started to ‘work from home’. Now, as organizations begin developing and, soon we hope, implementing their return plans, there are some phrases being used that may need a bit of clarification, for example ‘return to the office’ and ‘hybrid workplace.’

Remote Work: What Will Be the New Norm?

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Organizational leadership who’ve long stated, somewhat provocatively, that remote work would never work for their organization are now faced with the reality that it actually could work. It’s no wonder there have been challenges and tremendous stress as this occurred. And the question is – will this be the new norm.

Worker Effectiveness and the Role of Place

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Many people have recognized the power our workplaces hold over our daily actions and interactions, and perceptions about our work. However, it is not broadly understood how our workplaces shape our behavior and what these insights might mean for knowledge worker performance. An expansive approach to the workplace is required to go beyond what is physically known, to the science behind the factors that influence our everyday experiences.

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