Fostering New Behavior
With glass walls, light-scale workstations, and nearby break-out spaces for small group collaboration, office communication has increased and improved. The new transparent office layout has allowed for more interaction amongst different departments, with employees working more integrally and efficiently together.
Delivering Meaningful Change
BlueRock Energy is growing rapidly and needed a larger office. They wanted the new space to be more open and collaborative, with a clean aesthetic and modern furniture to help market their business as a great place to work.
Installation Details
13,828 sq. ft.
Syracuse, NY
WB Mason
Dalpos Architects
Featured Products
#19®, Clarity® Linger™, Mimeo®, Mind-Share®, Parallel™, Reflect™, Further™, Stride®, Altitude®, Belong®, Harvest™, Structure, Transfer™, Align™, Involve®, Beyond®, Monitor Arms, Sketch™, View™