Sustainable Space: Transformation: Comparison of Allsteel's Architectural Products vs. Traditional Construction Materials
Allsteel architectural walls offer substantial environmental advantages over traditional construction materials. These benefits grow with each reconfiguration, making demountable walls an ideal choice for creating sustainable and adaptable office spaces.
Beyond Environmental Impact Calculator
Please note: This calculator generates estimates, not an exact value and is based on the scope of Beyond product specified in the study.1 Material and emissions savings results may vary depending on product re-configurations compared to initial use case, parts replaced over the life of the building, and other factors. Savings are based on initial installed scope in linear feet (LF) and assume product removed upon reconfiguration is re-used or stored for later use. Conversion to miles driven based on US EPA Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator.1
Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a comprehensive evaluation of the environmental impacts over the entire life cycle of a product, material, process or other measurable activity. LCA models the environmental consequences of material inputs and outputs, and the interacting systems involved in industrial production and helps to quantify the environmental impacts.
In order to complete this study, two Beyond applications were considered. The “Day 1” application is six 6’-6” x 6’-6” enclosed rooms that could function as a micro-office or phone room. The “Day 2” application is two 6’-6” x 6’-6” enclosed rooms as well as one 13’-3” x 13’-3” room that could function as a project room or small conference room. The applications were specified twice for comparison purposes - once using Beyond and once conventional construction materials.
These Allsteel Beyond walls applications showed reduced environmental impacts compared to conventional construction materials both at initial installation and following reconfigurations. This means that, even if our clients never plan to move their Beyond walls, the Beyond solution can offer a lower carbon and waste impact a lower environmental impact compared to a solution using conventional materials.
In addition to the environmental benefits of the Beyond system in comparison to conventional construction, Beyond also meets additional environmental standards & criteria.
In this podcast, we discuss the benefits of demountable walls in workplace design and emphasize the positive impact of demountable walls on users, the design process, and the workplace ecosystem.
The blog discusses innovative approaches to scalable circularity in design, emphasizing sustainability and the importance of adaptive environments.
Respecting people and the environment while creating the best product.