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Jetty:Mod is a modular collection of sofa seating, interconnecting tables, screens, and accessories that supports individual and group activities while optimizing user posture and comfort. Jetty:Mod is modern, modular, and can be modified to fit whatever the user experience requires.

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Features & Highlights
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Jetty:Mod offers separate work and lounge seating models with different seat heights and depths to enable a variety of work modes and user postures. We call this concept Work Geometry.

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Application Flexibility

Guest seating in private offices, overflow seating in conference rooms, lounge seating in reception, work seating in collaborative areas, Jetty:Mod works across the entire floorplan.

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Extend the Functionality

Features like tables and screens, arm and bolster options, coat hanger, and easy-access power allow you to accessorize Jetty:Mod for specific space requirements.

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