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Well-being programs need support from three parties : The individual, the workplace culture, and the built environment (design). That is, it’s sometimes our tendency to ‘blame’ the worker for being unhealthy, but we cannot but the onus on the individual to improve health without providing a comprehensive environment which also fosters health.
The goal of any well-being program should be to create a work environment and culture that promotes health in a comprehensive way and encourages employees to work in a way that aligns with their preferences. Often times, employees are burdened with the responsibility of improving their own well-being (e.g. you, Mr./Ms. Employee, need to work-out more and eat better). The most successful implementation of well-being comes when the work culture and the built environment support, foster, encourage and promote well-being.
Think of an employee who wants to go for a run over her lunch hour. She will need to ensure that this activity is compliant with her company and manager expectations, but also that she has the facilities to run (either indoor on site, safe running trails/streets in the area, or a nearby gym) and to clean up afterward. Here the individual, the culture, and the built environment all have an impact on her healthy behavior.
Contributors to Well-Being
- Individual: Considerations that an individual can be empowered to make.
- Workplace Culture: Considerations that an organization and company culture can encourage.
- Built Environment and Design: Considerations that are determined by a building’s environmental and design features.
Holistic Workplace Considerations
Proper nutrition provides energy that fuels our bodies and helps to maintain a healthy weight. It can also help prevent chronic diseases.
The mind and body are linked in their responses. Consideration of stress levels, sleep, hygiene, and emotional status can contribute to overall mental health and well-being.
Finances can be a significant source of stress and distraction for many. Providing tools and resources for understanding of our financial position and future can help to reduce stress.
Developing relationships and creating a support system with friends and family supports mental health and provides a sense of belonging and greater meaning.
Activity has links to both physical and mental well-being. Participation in fitness activities can help to maintain a healthy weight, prevent disease, and reduce stress.
Environmental considerations such as air quality, access to clean water, lighting, noise levels, and ergonomics contribute to overall workplace well-being.