The Impact of Change Management on the Evolving Workplace


  • By Taylor Morgan

The workplace is constantly evolving, and so is the way we work. As humans, we tend to resist change when we are unclear about the purpose and the outcome it will bring. We have an opportunity to bring clarity and insight into our evolving workplace by using change management methodologies. Before one begins that process, it is important for the organization to align on goals and understand the impact of the change that is going to occur. Without this alignment, change will lead to speculations and conclusions that can disrupt the process.


Begin with Intention and Clarity

The Intentional Office is designed with the idea that workers will go to the office with specific needs and objectives. The workspace must be able to adjust to the changing needs and expectations of the organization and the worker.

“Planning Strategies for the intentional office are not about modern versus traditional. Nor is it IN-Office versus hybrid. It is all about aligning the physical space to the cultural norms and unwritten rules.” Jason Heredia – Vice President Design + Application

To begin designing for the intentional office and the change it will bring, the organization must establish the intention of the change and bring clarity to its employees. They must understand the current state of their employees’ work styles and how that will affect the future state environment. We begin by identifying the why, what, and how, which will help guide the change management conversation and educate the workers on what exactly the current state is and how the worker sees their future state.

WHY: Leadership Alignment (Why is this change happening?) 
• What are the key objectives and desired outcomes?
• What is the new way of working for our organization and our employees’ workstyles? 
• Will this improve our organization? 
• What are the external drivers prompting this change?

WHAT: Employee Clarity (What exactly is going to change for the end user?) 
• Will my workspace look different?
• Will I have an assigned or unassigned desk?
• What will the technology look like? 
• What are the new behaviors and processes we will need to learn? 

HOW: Transparent Communication (How will this change be communicated?) 
• How can employees provide input?
• How will this change affect their current state?
• What training will be available?
• Will I still have flexibility in my day-to-day?

Once these three elements are clearly defined and the intention is set, the change communication process can begin, creating awareness, building trust, and fostering engagement and excitement for the change.

The Human-Centric Approach to Change

Designing for the evolving workplace is a strategic process that should place the employee at the center of the conversation to truly make the experience human-centric. At Allsteel, we believe that our workplaces need to be designed to support the whole being, their work styles, and allow for flexibility.

We first begin by asking questions such as:
1. Are we addressing the needs of our employees and their work styles?
2. How will the built environment be more intentional than before?
3. Will this change serve the needs of the employees and organization?
4. How are we going to communicate the change effectively to avoid speculation? 
5. Have we incorporated everything we have heard from our employees? If not, why?

Organizational change tends to fail when outcomes of the above considerations are not address and/or communicated. If the answers to the above questions are not properly applied to space types to allow for the change, they are not only failing the individual but also the company’s productivity and culture. By using change management tools and processes, a company can ensure they are clearly designing for the employee. There is no greater time to develop a workplace that is human-focused than now.


Tools to Help You Succeed

Each organization’s goals and intentional office design will be different, and that is the beauty of this evolution we are in. The workplace must evolve into an intentional ecosystem where spaces and policy holistically work together to mold the ever-evolving needs of the employees. Our change management approach below can help guide and support that evolution. 

• Identify Project Goals 
• Provide Leadership Guidance
• Design a “Day in the Life” based on specific space types and personas
• Develop Protocols
• Plan for Day One Placement, Communication and Expectations


Embrace the Change

Embracing the change and clearly communicating through each phase of the process leads to a successful project and allows organizations to rest assure that their employees are well-informed and ready for their new workplace. They will be better positioned to enter the evolving workplace knowing their organization provided them with a space that allows for the utmost productivity, collaboration, engagement, and intention.