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Images & Video: 3 Results
Lounge seating with acoustic arc
Image Type
Zilenzio, Allsteel, Corral
Product Category
Seating, Tables
Product Subcategory
Acoustics, Lounge Seating, Occasional & Side Tables
Product Series
Park, Zilenzio, Corral, Retreat
Product Name

Corral Stools, Zilenzio Screens and Dividers, Zilenzio Sound Absorption, Park Side Table, Retreat Lounge

Environment_Approach_Private Office_(105)
Image Type
Gunlocke, Allsteel
Product Category
Seating, Storage, Workspaces
Product Subcategory
Side Chairs, Task Chairs, Private Office, Lockers & Towers, Bookcases & Credenzas
Product Series
Approach, Retreat, Gunlocke LIV
Product Name

Approach Desking, Approach Private Office, Approach Storage, Gunlocke LIV, Retreat Executive Conference

Environment_Transportation Business Lounge
Image Type
Allsteel, Gunlocke, Zilenzio
Product Category
Accessories, Architectural, Seating, Tables
Product Subcategory
Acoustics, Architectural Walls, Collaborative Tables, Lounge Seating, Occasional & Side Tables, Stools
Product Series
Retreat, Beyond, Zilenzio, Normann Copenhagen, LIV, Briefing, Two-Thirds, Structure
Product Name

Retreat Lounge, Beyond, Beyond Freestanding, Zilenzio Sound Absorption, Normann Copenhagen Accessories, Gunlocke Briefing Collaborative, Gunlocke LIV, Two-Thirds, Structure Café, Structure Collaborative

Product Designer
Bendtsen Design Associates, Joey Ruiter