Altium Packaging

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Manufacturing in Atlanta, GA

More than 43 percent of Millennials envision leaving their jobs within two years while only 28 percent seek to stay beyond five years.

Organizations are investing in new workplaces, that will inspire, attract and retain younger works through use of diversified spaces and options. 

Interior designers, architects and furniture dealers always want their customers to walk away happy with their space’s design and furniture choices. But when Atlanta-based dealer Office Creations received a hand-written thank you card from Jeff Brubaker, SVP of Operations Services at Altium Packaging, they knew they had done something special.

The project began when the executives at Altium Packaging—a manufacturer of plastic packaging solutions for companies in North America—decided to update their office. Their original space was outdated, isolating, and off-brand: the opposite of the innovation and excellent service they wanted to portray. They also wanted their office to showcase their brand as unique while creating spaces that would support the functional needs of staff.

Altium Packaging partnered with Transcend to monitor their current work environment, determine where the issues were, and provide a strategy to improve the business environment when they finally moved into their new space. "We identified what the ideal future state should be for Altium Packaging, and that's everything from programming, headcount growth, space design, brand look-and-feel, and high-level specifications," said Kristi Farley, Director of Client Strategy at Transcend.

"Based on our research, we found they had outgrown their space, wanted access to lots of natural light, areas to support solo and collaborative work, and a location close to the interstate highways for Atlanta commuters."

Kristi Farley, Director of Client Strategy at Transcend
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Transcend then brought in Office Creations and design firm Cooper Carry to reconceive the space. In order to create the open work environment that Altium Packaging wanted, the design team removed the tall, isolating privacy panels in favor of an open work environment where employees can take advantage of ergonomic chairs and desks, and a myriad of workspace options for easy collaboration. However, Altium Packaging still had plenty of need for private office spaces, so wall systems were utilized to create anchor-free conference rooms and to better define spaces within the open floor plan.

"Altium Packaging's floorplate consisted of close to 80% private offices and high privacy panels at each workstation. When we relocated them, now private offices only take up around 30% of the space and the rest is occupied with open workstations. It was a massive change.

Kristi Farley

An important aspect of the redesign was using a “kit of parts” approach for their executive offices. With a kit of parts, mix-and-match furniture options are used across the floorplate, from a single closed office to shared spaces. In being able to use the same furniture in a wide array of layouts, products can adapt to the changing needs of the organization. Altium Packaging executives were given several options for the look and functionality of their private offices, allowing them to personalize the space and still be aesthetically consistent with the ability to reconfigure easily when executives change offices.In using a kit of parts, the design team planned for how the office would function years down the road. Quality furniture is an investment and Altium Packaging can rest easy knowing that the systems installed in their office can and will adapt as their organization does. Now proud to have a space that matches their intended image, Altium Packaging extends tour invites of the new office not just to their own clientele, but to those in the market for new furniture solutions as well.

“I’ve never worried or thought much about office furnishings, being a manufacturing person, but what you’ve done for Altium Packaging is life changing. Our employees are still in awe!”


Jeff Brubaker, SVP-Operational Services, Altium Packaging

Project Details

Atlanta, GA
50,000 sq. ft. 
150 Employees

Office Creations
Cooper Carry


Product Solutions

Retreat™, Reflect®, Take-5™

Approach™, Terrace®

